Tuesday 16 April 2013

Compton Download Challenge 20/40

First time at this event, chosen as it's fairly local and it was the right distance (I am trying to build up the miles before the SDW100 in June).

Arrived early at Race HQ, just as things were getting set up. Weather was clear but cold, given the conditions I decided to layer up.  Was also testing out a new backpack (Raidlight Olmo 5L) - so if I I needed to strip off later I had somewhere to stuff the removed layers.

The course is usually run as a figure of  eight - two loops of twenty miles each - however flooding on the course meant that the 40 mile race would be run over the same loop.

Conditions were excellent, route was easy to follow and marshals were everywhere.

Completing the first lap it is always a tough one getting going again. The smiling faces of the the 20 milers turning right seemed to say: come this way, you don't need to do it all again, food is just around the corner....

I turned left and did it all again.   The knowledge of the course now helped - I knew where the hills were.  The sun had come out, and so had the families and dog walkers.  It was a great afternoon to run, views over the downs were terrific, normally the only contact I have to this area is zipping by on the A34.  Will have to come back and explore at a more leisurely pack

Ground Conditions: road and trail - trail was dry (no mud)
Weather: Very Cold to start , warm by the end.
Position 24/101
Time: 6:45:08

What I learnt:  The longer the race, the more varied the weather can be.

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