Friday 15 August 2014

Salisbury 54321 Race Report - 20/8/14

There are two reasons I do this race : the chance to run through a Yew tree forest (normally of limited to the public) and the bread pudding.

This race comes in may sizes: 5K, 10K 21, 33, 42 and 50K, with walk and run options - so something for everyone.  Due to the mixture of course lengths there is always someone around - either doing your distance or a different one.

I took the 42K option, for no other reason than I couldn't be bothered to do 50K, lazy I know.

On the journey there, the heavens opened and dumped quite a lot of water on the course, which turned remained quite runnable and not too muddy (unlike Endure24).

I do like the way you can park at the start line and still have an easy walk to registration.  Start time clicked round and off we went, in the rain - some people in wet weather gear, some in singlets and shorts.  I'd opted for a waterproof to get me started, soaking wet shirt early on plays havoc with the upper chest area.
Climbing up Old Sarum was mainly a slow walk (along with everyone else)  shame the views over Salisbury were obscured by the rain.

I did have to remind myself at later points to look up every now and again, so that I could see the scenery, otherwise it was head fixed in front and plodding away.

By mile 10 the rain had stopped and the sun was starting to make a show of itself.

This is my 4th running of this race, it's got still has a nice vibe to it.  the course is a mixture of everything - road, trail, hill, wood, a few streams and rivers, town and country.  So there is always something to look at - assuming you remember to lift your head up.

There were water stops every few miles which was more than enough, the best one though is just before the yew forest.  Here you are able to grab some more water, a slab of bread pudding and then enter into the enchanted forest of yew trees.  Following a piece of string to ensure you don't stray off the route - perhaps the goblins would get you if you did.

From hear it was over the race course and then the only dull bit round the houses before popping out in the cathedral close.  Luckily the earlier rain had limited the number of tourists out in front of the cathedral - so the game of dodge the camera totting numpties walking backwards was quite easy.
I finished quite strongly in the end, although I did notice it was slower than last year (which was in the heat).

Maybe I'll do the 50K next year, perhaps there'll be extra bread pudding in it.

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