Tuesday 23 August 2016

Fell running not fell running

Never "fell run" before, but as we were up in the Lakes on holiday it seemed rude not to.  Luckily there was a mid week Wednesday run organised by Keswick AC.  Known as the Round Latrigg, this race as it turned out was not run round Latrigg at all, due to damage to the usual course.


So a quick bit of jiggery pokery but the organisers and a new course was assembled.

Signing up for a fell race seemed a little disorganised at first,  the web site said turn up, from 7, sign up on the day,  not the usual months of planning and information packs that are needed for local marathons.

But turned up, filled in the form, handed over my £7 and limbered up for the start at 7pm.  The rest of the family headed off for some food just before the start and were back in time just as the race got underway.

Basically we ran up hill for 3 miles, turned round and ran back down again.  Not quite running straight down the fells but following the track, ran through a stream too, so it did feel a little bit authentic.

Woman in front did a Mo and fell over, was okay though.  As I was running down hill,  I did a %k Qualifying  Mo and was tapped from behind,  luckily I recovered but going down hill quickly is not the best place to fall, quy behind did apologise though - he was lucky.

Was quite fun in the end, very impressed at the speed of the local mountain goats - would I do this again - yep - but check who is behind you.

Lessons Learnt
Just run
Look behind
ONLY £7!!!

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