Monday 12 August 2013

Salisbury 54321 - Marathon Race Report

Ran the Marathon version of this race on Sunday - Why 54321?  5 Rivers, 4 Hills (still quite lumpy even on the non-hill part) 3 Country Estates, 2 Castles and 1 Cathedral.

Weather forecast for the race was cloudy followed by sunshine - so I was a little surprized to set off in the car to Salisbury in the pouring rain.  Thankfully, it stoped just as the 50K runners were departing.

I first did this race back in 2009, they then added a 50K in 2010 and I did that too.  Since then other races and holidays have distracted me and this was the first time I had been back.

This event is so well organised and yet quite low key - you basically park on the start line, get your number over the road, stand by the start/finish line at the appointed time and off you go.

Course markings were spot on, there was only one time I thought I might have gone wrong, but that was only because someone else was questioning a sign. Scenery is great all the way round, Old Sarum, Longford Castle and my favourite bit - the old Yew Forest.  Terrain is mixed, single track, fire roads, country roads, chalk, concrete - you name it, it was there. ground was bone dry, no mud or puddle to plod through.

Weather started out fresh, no need for a jacket, and it soon warmed up. As time went on I started to slow, I have never been particularly good at running in the heat, I tried to keep in the shade but the sun was almost overhead - so very little cover available.  The occasional breeze was very welcome though.  I was wearing a cap, so took to soaking it with water at each aid station - which provided some welcome relief.

Aid stations were every 2 miles or so and I took water on at each of them, no a lot of food on offer, except at mile 15 - a nice bit of lardy cake - probably not the lightest thing to have whilst running but it was just before the Yew Forest, and running under those ancient trees following a piece of string whilst munching on lardy cake was magical.

The other surreal moment was running through Cathedral Close trying to dodge tourists as they backed up to take photos, nearly took out a few foreign students that way.

It is a great race for just running, without getting too competitive, mainly because when there are other runners around you have no idea which race they are in (as well as the Marathon, there is also a choice of 5K, 10K, 21K, 30K, 50K, plus walking versions).

Despite slowing down - I was quite pleased with the time.  I was also quite pleased that my ankles held up and feet haven't swollen up to the size of an elephant - so hopefully the damage done on the SDW100 has repaired itself.

Ground Conditions: Mainly road – solid conditions under foot - dry as a bone
Weather: Hot, with some wind.
Position 26/185 (finishers)
Time: 04:08:49
Food tried: 1 ISOGEL and 1 chunk of lardy cake. 

What I learnt:

Some runs are there for the cake and scenery
Slept in Compression tights - legs feel good Monday morning

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