Tuesday 23 August 2016

Fell running not fell running

Never "fell run" before, but as we were up in the Lakes on holiday it seemed rude not to.  Luckily there was a mid week Wednesday run organised by Keswick AC.  Known as the Round Latrigg, this race as it turned out was not run round Latrigg at all, due to damage to the usual course.


So a quick bit of jiggery pokery but the organisers and a new course was assembled.

Signing up for a fell race seemed a little disorganised at first,  the web site said turn up, from 7, sign up on the day,  not the usual months of planning and information packs that are needed for local marathons.

But turned up, filled in the form, handed over my £7 and limbered up for the start at 7pm.  The rest of the family headed off for some food just before the start and were back in time just as the race got underway.

Basically we ran up hill for 3 miles, turned round and ran back down again.  Not quite running straight down the fells but following the track, ran through a stream too, so it did feel a little bit authentic.

Woman in front did a Mo and fell over, was okay though.  As I was running down hill,  I did a %k Qualifying  Mo and was tapped from behind,  luckily I recovered but going down hill quickly is not the best place to fall, quy behind did apologise though - he was lucky.

Was quite fun in the end, very impressed at the speed of the local mountain goats - would I do this again - yep - but check who is behind you.

Lessons Learnt
Just run
Look behind
ONLY £7!!!

Hampshire Hoppit 2016

Beep beep there's more.....

So still feeling fine after Endure 24, which was a bonus.  Had a gentle run round Parkrun and felt fine. So here we go

Really nice it being quite local, didn't set off till 8:30,  picked up Mike from up the road and off we set.  Easy parking, but quite a hike to the start line, need to remember to take kit with you to the start line.  The start line was at the stables in Kingsclere - courtesy of the Balding family.

This was the first time this race was run - and you could not tell, everything was run smoothly.

Half and full started at the same time (something I think I would change for next year - but it did mean that everyone crossed over the main road at the same time.

Aid stations were well spaced, marshals well placed, signage good,  I think there was only once where I wasn't 100% sure - but took the fairly obvious route and carried straight on.  Great views along the way, fairly lumpy with 600m of climb.

Once the halfs had gone their separate way the course thinned out and made running down some of the narrower paths much easier.

Finish was a little cruel, a large hill to climb first, followed by sight of the finish line.  Rather than heading straight to the line, the route followed the ridge and descended down through some woods, before appearing before the finish line.

Nice goody bag, with an engraved glass momento.  Which was made even better by being topped up with Loddon Valley Hoppit.

Fantastic event, well run and well supported

It's hilly near Kingsclere

Sunday 21 August 2016

Endure 24 2016

Like buses this...

Last year I said, "No I've had my fill of this sort race and won't be doing it again".  Given the choice, I like my long runs to be point to point or in a big circle - not 5 mile repeated loop.  But the lure of an early bird discount and the free camping got the better of me.

Took the little one on the Friday night so he could run the kids race.  He pushed his way to the front and it it took me most of the "race" to catch him up.  He was very pleased with his medal and quite enjoyed it.  He also enjoyed writing on the graffiti board:

Could have done without the banging tunes on Friday night till 11 o'clock.  But soon drifted off.   It rained in the night but not enough to soak into the ground and cause any muddy conditions.

Took my little one back home and returned to the camp, read a few magazines and waited for the 12 o'clock start.

Not done a huge amount of training in particular for this which I think helped,  I was already in the start slow and go slower mode.  I walked the big hills from the off trying to keep the lap times down.  Those first few where a little speedy (for me), but I soon when slower.

I didn't have a definite number in mine but felt I should be aiming for more than last time (60 miles) - 75 seemed a round number but had no idea how my feet would hold out.

Weather was very hot and humid, it threatened to rain a few times but didn't really pour down like it should.  Would have been very nice to clear the air.

Started running without a bottle pack but got quite thirsty - wasn't enough having a drink at the start line and then half way round.  So I think after lap 5 I started to carry a bottle - was getting a bit dehydrated at that point.

Fuelling was mainly gels (which was a surprise, a few shot bloks, jaffa cakes, grapes and the occasion cracker.  Was missing the salt big time - normally I would only run with water but due to the humidity I think I should have taken some electrolytes with me.

The thing I do like about this race is the marshals and the other competitors - there is always someone to have a quick chat with but because you are running different races you are never "stuck" with people.

Started to head into night time, at this point I was having the serious talk to myself - how far should I go.  The last time running 100 miles I couldn't walk for 4 days - so I was still a little nervy of going too far.  75 still looked on the cards but I might need a short break (aka sleep) before getting that far.   The other nag was I knew I had to be back home by 1 o'clock and I was running the Hampshire Hoppit the following weekend.

So I went into the night - said hello the the fairies in the wood,  hit 60 miles at around 1:30 and decided that I could either keep going for a hundred - but risk coming up short, by running out of time and picking up an injury or I could stop and finish off a comfortable 75 in the morning.

I played it sensible and went to sleep (eventually) some anti-social twats had decided to have a chat in their loud voices - the area was supposed to be solos only - but these gits were part of a team.  Anyway woke up with a start - the sun was up and it was getting light so I thought time to crack on.

Was light enough without a head-torch so started out slowly walking.  Got shouted out by a marshal for not having a head torch (my bad of course).  I know it's my fault - didn't see the rule that head torches required till 6am - despite it being light at this point

So walked the next lap, then was passed to a runner from Hartlepool so yelled out "monkey hanger" to him.  He seemed a little upset by this - so chased him down to explain that I was quite within my rights to call him that (being one too).

So mileage clicked over into 75 on the clock, so took the tent down popped it into the car and left.

Feeling pretty good - Settled for 75 and being able walk rather than 100 and hobbling.

Leant:  More salty snacks, ear plugs for night time

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Arun River Run 2016

Blimey it's been a while, and way back on the horse....

Not done a Sussex Trail Run before, but it was well organised and low key.   Easy parking at the start in the marina.

We had a quick briefing at the start line and off we went.

I'd not really researched this one a lot, one of the reasons I was doing it was it was on a Saturday (Sundays are quite busy these days with ferrying kids about to various sporting activities), so my initial thoughts that this would be a nice flat wooded river bank run was a little off.

It started flat, the river Arun is not quite as picturesque as I was expecting it to be.  The track by the river and as a little uneven - it wasn't quite worn in enough to give it a smooth consistent feel - not really my surface, constantly moving from slight path to lumpy grass, but at least it was flat.

Arrived at Arundel quicker than expected - should have read the race route.  I had thought it was much later on the route - must go back and visit the castle and the odd tea shop for tea and cake at some point,

Passed Arundel and soon reached the Black Rabbit pub for the first top up - must go back there too for lunch and a beer, nice views from the beer garden,

At mile the route 10 hits the SDW, I recognised the bridge from the SDW100 and headed East (apparently someone headed West towards Winchester last time - oops).  The path then climbed relentlessly upwards.  Blimey I wasn't expecting this (should have looked at the route).  The climb was littered with youngsters doing DoE.  The path was often blocked by backpacks twice the size of the child carrying it.  Moans of "I'm never doing this again" and "I can't go on" were mumbled in front.  But the kids all cheered us on and moved over as the runners came through.  Hurrah for modern youth.

Eventually crested Rackham Hill and got to the turn around point, had a few munchies (including my fuel of choice - jaffa cakes),  The speedy runners had already turned round and had been heading back (I do like that bit of an out and back course).  They barely looked like they had done 15 meters let alone 15 miles.

Down hill for quite a while (no longer keen on this bit - tends to hurt after a while).  Was particularly impressed by the mountain bikers pedalling up the hill as I was running down.

Came off the SDW and headed back along the river.  The sun was well and truly up at this point and there was nowhere to hide, I don't like the heat very much, so things started to slow down a little. The organisers added in an extra water station (good move) to help.

Very near the end I missed a turn off but was shouted back by a supporter (phew).  Would not have added too much distance, but it was obvious at this point that I had switched off.  Must remember to concentrate all the time (I blame the sun).

Over the line and picked up a medal - part of a set of 4 - which is a great idea.  The completist in me now thinks I need the set but we'll see,  Heavy weight medal it is too - this is the first medal I have received that I think could be used as a lethal weapon!

I didn't have time for the post-race breakfast which was on offer, so  headed back to the car and home.


Lessons Learn: Look at the Route