Thursday 2 January 2014

Review of 2013

So what have I learnt/achieved/propose to do for next year

Annual Mileage has risen a lot, mainly in the first half of the year, adding in a extra weekly run or two means it soon adds up.

A few firsts this year, first sub-20 for a parkrun, a PB at the half-marathon distance and of course my first 100 miler (despite the pain of the following 4 days - I was well pleased at that).

The year went a little off the rails after the SDW100,  wanted quite right so limited running to Marathons and dropped the mid week runs.  Things really went pear shaped during the Abingdon Marathon but it did force me to question why I run.  So why do I run?  To put it's Simply because I love it.  I love the feeling of movement, the fresh air, the countryside, the solitude of just me and an occasion podcast to listen to.

With that in mind what do I aim for next year?

I think next year is the year of new races, mainly to see new places but also to forget about chasing course PBs - surely I am getting too old for that now.  So I will avoid races I have done, some of which I have already ruled out (or have been ruled out for me) due to birthdays, or clashing with other events.

I also need to get some cycling in, it helps overall fitness and breaks up the training.  I can't believe I did not manage a single Sportive in 2013 - very poor show.

So for 2014 I am trying to go to include more stripped back events (i.e. cheap) , so aiming for more LDWA events - they are a lot cheaper, and as you need to navigate yourself round the course, there is an element of thought required.  So far I have entered the Winter Tanners (cancelled last year) and the Oxford 20/40 (planning the 40), I also have a slot on the Endure 24 (which will give me a little bit of room to decide how far I can run, with the option to stop of the ankles become too hurty)

Happy New Year and all that....

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