Monday 10 June 2013

Nervous? You bet

So less than a week to go to the SDW100, feeling a little nervous, mainly about running through the night. Running at night is fine - happy with that, but running through it after a full day running, not done that before. I am very much a morning person and like to be tucked up in bed and fast asleep before the clock strikes 11:00, so to run through that and out the otherside will be interesting. Still, to paraphrase Scott Jurek (who may have quoted someone else), "it isn't a challenge if there is no fear of failure." Still a little pre-race nerves must be a good thing - a healthy respect for the distance (and respect it I do). The furthest I've gone before is 53 miles (should have been 50 but I got lost a little and hand to double back), so there is a lot to respect. I let you know how it went.

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